IVF with Donor Eggs
With some couples undergoing infertility treatment, own eggs cannot be retrieved or are of poor quality. In such cases, eggs from an anonymous donor may be used for the treatment.
IVF with donor eggs is recommended to couples:
- Where the woman produces no or poor quality eggs. This may be due to age-related ovarian failure. Other causes may include repeated sterility treatment or premature ovarian failure. The most frequent cause, however, is attributed to developmental defects or the surgical removal of the ovaries.
- Where the woman is a carrier of hereditary diseases.
- Where genetic tests suggest chromosomal changes.
The treatment cycle consists of the following phases:
- Examination and preparation of the treated couple and/or synchronisation of the donor and the recipient.
- Examination and preparation of the donor. In the Czech Republic, egg donors must meet the following requirements: age between 18 and 35 years, mutually anonymous and gratuitous donation, negative results of all STD and genetic tests.
- Preparation of the uterine mucosa for embryo acceptance by hormone administration.
- Retrieval of eggs from the donor.
- Fertilisation of the eggs by the partner's sperms.
- Cultivation of the fertilised eggs and embryos for 3 to 5 days in the laboratory.
- Transfer of the embryos into the recipient's uterus.