Examination Methods for Women

- Small pelvis ultrasound examination;
- Transvaginal ultrasound examination;
- Hormone level tests;
- Genetic tests;
- Immunology tests;
- Hysterosalpinogram;
- Hysteroscopy;
- Laparoscopic examination.


Small Pelvis Ultrasound Examination ...

An ultrasound of the small pelvis is a painless examination of the organs located in the region of the small pelvis. The scanned organs include the urinary bladder, a part of the colon, the uterus, the fallopian tubes, and the ovaries. The procedure is carried out with the aid of ultrasound. Ultrasonic methods currently belong among the basic and probably the most widely used diagnostic imaging techniques. For the purpose of assisted reproduction, the physician performs an ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries with particular focus on the shape and the size of the uterus, the quality and the thickness of the endometrium, the condition of the ovaries and follicle growth, as well as on the presence of uterine fibroids (myoma) or endometriosis.

Transvaginal Ultrasound Examination ...

A transvaginal ultrasound of the small pelvis is a painless examination of the organs located in the area of the vagina. The scanned organs include the uterus and ovaries, or the fetus in the uterus. The term "transvaginal" indicates the method of insertion of the ultrasound probe, i.e. through the vagina. During the examination, the physician places the ultrasound probe in the vagina of the examined woman. Ultrasonic methods currently belong among the most widely used diagnostic imaging techniques in gynaecology and obstetrics because they do not expose the woman to intense radiation, they are safe and painless. Transvaginal sonography is crucial especially with respect to assisted reproduction since it allows the physician to immediately assess the condition of the ovaries.

All our consulting rooms are equipped with modern ultrasound machines to ensure utmost comfort for all our female clients.

Hormone Level Tests ...

The hormone level is determined from a blood sample. In relation to fertility disorders, we carry out in-depth endocrinological screenings. Many of these tests play a vital role in the diagnostics of infertility that may be caused by a hormonal dysfunction on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis.

In the table below, you will find the most commonly performed tests:

Hormone level tests

Target organ

and hormone



Pituitary gonadotropins

FSH & LH level

Measured from blood serum

Performed between day 2 and day 6 of menstrual cycle

May help eliminate ovarian failure

Abnormal FSH and LH levels may suggest infertility caused by hyperprolactinemia The LH-FSH ratio may be useful when diagnosing PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and selecting suitable treatment



Prolactin level

Measured from blood serum

Usually performed between day 2 and day 6 of menstrual cycle

High prolactin levels (hyperprolactinemia) may indicate a pituitary tumor and may cause menstrual and ovulation disorders

Hyperprolactinemia blocks the effects of LH and FSH


Estradiol level (E2)

Measured from blood serum

Usually performed between day 2 and day 6 of menstrual cycle

Used to determine ovarian function

Estradiol levels are used to monitor follicle development


Testosterone level (T)

Measured from blood serum

Demonstrates ovulation


Progesterone level (P)

Measured from blood serum Usually performed between day 21 of menstrual cycle (7 days after ovulation)

Demonstrates ovulation

Used to determine the adequacy of the luteal phase

Adrenal glands

Androgen level

Determination of various androgens from blood serum

Usually performed between day 2 and day 6 of menstrual cycle

Used to determine androgen production

Extremely high levels may cause female infertility

Extremely low levels may cause male infertility

May detect source of excessive androgen secretion


Thyroid gland hormones (TSH, T3, T4)

Blood tests to determine thyroxine (T4), TSH and TRH serum levels

Used to diagnose hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) that may result in scarce ovulation

Immunology Tests ...

Immunology tests for women mainly include blood tests the purpose of which is to examine the presence of sperm, egg coat and phospholipid (cell membrane components) antibodies.

Antibodies may be examined using other bodily fluids, such as cervical mucus.

For more information go to http://www.genetika-plzen.cz/reproductive-immunology

Hysterosalpinogram ...

A hysterosalpinogram is an X-ray examination of the uterus, which is capable of showing the shape of the uterine cavity and the permeability or blockage of the fallopian tubes. The examination is performed by a gynaecologist who inserts a thin tube through the vagina and the cervix inside the uterus. Subsequently, the uterus is slowly filled with a radiographic contrast medium (dye), which shows the shape of the uterine cavity and the permeability or blockage of the fallopian tubes.

Hysteroscopy ...

Hysteroscopy is a method allowing to visualise the uterine cavity and to perform minor surgical interventions in the cavity and the cervix, i.e. removal of uterine polyps, concretions, septa, etc. 

Laparoscopic Examination ...

Laparoscopy is a procedure that allows to examine the abdomen and to verify the permeability of the fallopian tubes in a minimally invasive manner. As a minimally invasive surgical procedure, it utilises special laparoscopic instruments and imaging technology. Several small incisions are made in the abdomen to carry out a camera-guided surgical intervention without the need to perform an open abdominal surgery. Laparoscopic procedures are used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.