Welcome to the website of the NATALART s.r.o. Centre for Assisted Reproduction
The idea of founding a centre that would specialise in infertility treatment and artificial insemination was born out of the experience in IVF acquired by our team of medical experts since 1997. The idea was eventually brought to life in 2003 with the opening of our NATALART Centre for Assisted Reproduction, a medical facility focusing on the treatment of infertility by various assisted reproduction methods, including in vitro fertilisation. Nowadays, unwanted infertility unfortunately affects 10 to 20% of couples and the incidence of male infertility, in particular, is increasing with the growing occurrence of civilisation diseases. The treatment of infertility by IVF has witnessed immense progress over the past four decades and its success rate is very high. In the Czech Republic alone, 2 to 3% of children conceived by in vitro fertilisation are born every year. We have helped many couples and perhaps we will be able to help you as well.
In January 2014, our centre relocated to the modern Genetika building. Thanks to that, we are able to offer higher comfort to both our female and male clients, as well as state-of-the-art equipment and technology or optional genetic and reproductive immunology tests all under one roof.
NATALART s.r.o. July, 2014